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Criminal Defense, In The News

Attorney Brad Wolfe Co-Presents Twice at Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Annual Hot Topics Seminar

On December 13, 2024, Attorney Brad Wolfe delivered two presentations at the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Annual Hot Topics Seminar, held in Akron, Ohio.

The first presentation, co-presented with OACDL President and Attorney Joseph Hada, explored the mechanics and strategic advantages of conducting mock trial focus groups. This session provided attendees with practical insights into leveraging focus groups to enhance trial preparation and case outcomes.

The second presentation, co-presented with Attorney Nicholas Froning, addressed the ethical and administrative challenges of representing licensed professionals—such as nurses, doctors, lawyers, and teachers—facing criminal charges. The session emphasized the unique complexities of these cases and provided guidance on navigating the interplay between professional licensing boards and criminal defense.

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Brad Wolfe Law, L.L.C., handles serious felonies, misdemeanors, and pre-charge investigations in federal, state, municipal, and juvenile courts across Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. Attorney Brad Wolfe believes that each case deserves powerful and creative advocacy and that every client be afforded their constitutional right to fairness, as well as superior levels of communication and compassion during all stages of their matter. If you have been charged with a crime, or are under investigation, call Brad today at (216) 815-6000.
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